Latest Past Events

NXTCC Season 6 – Daytona Road

No one could have known it then, but when Daytona International Speedway opened in 1959, it marked the beginning of a new era in American motorsport. As a replacement for the old beach road course a few miles east, the the high-banked, 2.5-mile Florida tri-oval represented the leading edge of a wave of construction of...

NXTCC Season 6 – Oran Park GP

One of Australia’s most historic race tracks, Oran Park lives forever on even though it fell to the wreckers’ ball and bulldozers in 2010 to make way for a housing development. Shortly before this unique track went the way of Riverside Raceway and Trenton Speedway, iRacing’s laser-scanning crew mapped Oran Park’s different configurations, thus...

NXTCC Season 6 – Hockenheim GP

One of Europe’s premier racing circuits, the heritage of the Hockenheimring takes back to 1932, when it was called “Dreieckskurs” (or “triangle course”). The track has undergone multiple redesigns since then, most recently in 2002, when a dramatically shortened new layout eliminated the long straightaways through the forest that produced exciting racing, but were taxing...